Although health has been defined since 1948 as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or affliction”, health systems and institutions have presented barriers to incorporate this comprehensive view into daily practice. Its achievement depends on having a common language that allows communication between professionals from different disciplines. Also, teams should destine time to co-design the diagnostic and intervention plans, considering the psychological, behavioral and cultural factors that contribute to health and illness of patients. In addition, it requires professionals with initiative, capable of understanding and regulating their own emotions as well as being empathic to others, forming work teams with these characteristics.
To move forward, it is necessary to disseminate successful examples of promotional and preventive strategies based on interdisciplinary models aimed to achieve integral health. In this context, therapeutic management of cardiovascular problems should receive special attention as is the main cause of death in Chile and the world.In addition, the current health crisis caused by COVID-19 constitutes a threat to health, particularly when it is considered from a holistic perspective. The management and mitigation efforts of the infection itself are a threat to the physical (mobility restrictions) and mental well-being of the population, increasing depressive disorders and demanding the healthcare systems. Can this threatening and uncertain context be transformed into an opportunity to reveal the place of integral health and/or for its development?